Nanostructure, porosity and tensile strength of PVA/Hydroxyapatite composite nanofiber for bone tissue engineering
Hydroxyapatite [HAp, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2] was successfully synthesized using natural minerals, precisely limestone from Druju Indonesia. As a bone scaffold compound, HAp has a weakness of low mechanical properties therefore it needs to be mixed with polymeric materials, such as polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) to improve its mechanical properties. The PVA/HAp composites nanofiber have successfully synthesized using the electrospinning method and analyzed including nanostructure, porosity and tensile strength of nanofiber. The diameter of PVA/HAp composites nanofiber in 173 to 234 nm, porosity in 62 to 74%, and tensile strength in 6.96 to 15.85 MPa. Increasing of HAp cocentrasion increase of tensile strength, SEM showed an increase in HAp concentration (0%−20%) causing a decrease in the average diameter of the fiber. The characteristics of PVA/HAp composite nanofiber can be applied as a scaffold in bone tissue engineering.1

1. Hartatiek, Yudyanto, M.I. Wuriantika, Joko Utomo, M. Nurhuda, Masruroh, D.J.D.H. Santjojo,
Nanostructure, porosity and tensile strength of PVA/Hydroxyapatite composite nanofiber for bone tissue engineering,
Materials Today: Proceedings,
ISSN 2214-7853,