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Nanotized praseodymium oxide collagen 3-D pro-vasculogenic biomatrix for soft tissue engineering

Writer's picture: kübra:)kübra:)

The current study explores development of highly vascularisable biomatrix scaffold containing rare-earth metal Praseodymium oxide nanoadditives for angiogenic and soft tissue regenerative applications. The therapeutic potential of Praseodymium oxide nanoparticles rendered excellent endothelial cell differentiation for inducing pro angiogenic microenvironment by eliciting VE-Cadherin expression in the biomatrix scaffold. The nanoparticles were incorporated into bio-macromolecule collagen which aided in stabilization of collagen by maintaining the structural integrity of collagen and showed less susceptibility towards protease enzymes, high cyto-compatibility and high hemo-compatibility. The scaffold provided 3-dimensional micro-environments for the proliferation of endothelial cells and fibroblast cells promoting the wound healing process in an orchestrated fashion. Biological signal modulatory property of rare earth metal is the unexplored domains that can essentially bring significant therapeutic advancement in engineering advanced biological materials. This study opens potential use of nano-scaled rare earth metals in biomaterial application for tissue regeneration by modulating the pro-angiogenesis and anti-proteolysis properties1.

Pro-angiogenic properties of praseodymium oxide re-inforced collagen dressings.  The work involves fabrication of praseodymium oxide reinforced collagen dressings for wound healing applications. Collagen is stabilized in a manner meeting the requirements of a good wound dressing material. The praseodymium oxide re-inforced collagen dressings offer good cytocompatibility, hemocompatibility and pro-angiogeneic properties over native collagen which caused the faster healing of cutaneous wound in rat animal model.
Pro-angiogenic properties of praseodymium oxide re-inforced collagen dressings.

Vinu Vijayan, Sreelekshmi Sreekumar, Fathe Singh, Kunnavakkam Vinjimur Srivatsan, Rachita Lakra, Korrapati Purna Sai, Manikantan Syamala Kiran,

Nanotized praseodymium oxide collagen 3-D pro-vasculogenic biomatrix for soft tissue engineering,

Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine,



ISSN 1549-9634,


Abstract: The current study explores development of highly vascularisable biomatrix scaffold containing rare-earth metal Praseodymium oxide nanoadditives for angiogenic and soft tissue regenerative applications. The therapeutic potential of Praseodymium oxide nanoparticles rendered excellent endothelial cell differentiation for inducing pro angiogenic microenvironment by eliciting VE-Cadherin expression in the biomatrix scaffold. The nanoparticles were incorporated into bio-macromolecule collagen which aided in stabilization of collagen by maintaining the structural integrity of collagen and showed less susceptibility towards protease enzymes, high cyto-compatibility and high hemo-compatibility. The scaffold provided 3-dimensional micro-environments for the proliferation of endothelial cells and fibroblast cells promoting the wound healing process in an orchestrated fashion. Biological signal modulatory property of rare earth metal is the unexplored domains that can essentially bring significant therapeutic advancement in engineering advanced biological materials. This study opens potential use of nano-scaled rare earth metals in biomaterial application for tissue regeneration by modulating the pro-angiogenesis and anti-proteolysis properties.

Keywords: Praseodymium oxide; Collagen; Biomaterial; Angiogenesis; Wound


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